KÖNIG is power & innovation

Power and innovation have been key to our more than seventy years of business and continuous growth. KÖNIG has become one of the internationally leading companies in the field of high performance engines for recreational vehicles and motorcycles as well as industrial and High Performance applications. In our factory in Austria / Vorarlberg, we develop and produce pistons, piston rings, cylinders and cylinder heads for 2- and 4-stroke as well as for gasoline and diesel engines. Since the company has been in business, König customers throughout the world have utilized more than

500 million
piston rings

60 million

4 million

cylinder heads

into 25 million
high-performance engines

Looking back into history

More than seven decades have passed since KÖNIG KG was founded. Today, the company rests on a solid economic base and, with its strategic, diversified product ranges, is meeting the globally increasing demand for high-quality motor parts such as pistons, piston rings, cylinders and cylinder heads.


A family business again

MAHLE and Mundorf withdraw as shareholders. The KÖNIG PRIVATSTIFTUNG takes over their shares and is thus a family-owned company again.


NICHE LEADER in Recreational & Motorcycle areas

KÖNIG becomes a niche leader with a market share of more than 30%


Expansion of our product portfolio with cylinder heads


Change of leadership in the company

Transformation into a management-led family company



Goetze (Federal Mogul) resigns as a partner. The shareholders MAHLE, KÖNIG and Mundorff take over their shares.


Big fire

A devastating fire destroys the entire light metal foundry.


Growth through acquisitions

Elko KÖNIG takes over the Kolben Kraus company and creates additional production capacities


Strategic Partners for pistons and piston rings

22% participation by MAHLE
33% participation by Goetze
With these investments, the company secures market-leading partners for pistons and piston rings and their expertise and technology.


Founding of the apprentice workshop

KÖNIG is one of the first companies in the Vorarlberg region to set up a training workshop for apprentices. Today this is the third oldest training workshop in the Vorarlberg region and is one of the few training companies that has been awarded the title “excellent training company” several times.


Piston know-how

KÖNIG and MAHLE agree on a cooperation with 10% shares to Ernst and Hermann MAHLE (founders of the MAHLE Group). This was an important milestone in the history of KÖNIG.


Official entry in the company book

Engineer Carl and Paula König become joint owners of Elko KÖNIG.



The Elko KÖNIG company is founded in Rankweil / Vorarlberg as a piston manufacturer and supplier for the Austrian vehicle industry.